Tuesday, October 29, 2013

perfect timing

You are beautiful, you are smart, you are funny, you are kind, you are unique.
You are worthy of love and affection.
You are never too much and you are always enough.
You are precious--You are a diamond, a rose, a pearl, the most stunning of all God's creation.
You are worth more than you can ever imagine.
Worth more than the numbers on the scale, or the hair product you use, or the shoes you wear
more than how many girls wish they were you or how many guys wish they had you
Your worth surpasses all earthly things because in the eyes of The Lord, God you are loved and you are worth dying for.
Regardless of who you think you are, the reality is you deserve someone who would give up their life for you because you are powerful and strong and capable.
Read about the women in the Bible-- Esther, Ruth, Martha, Mary-- these women changed the world forever-and inside you, each and everyone of you, is a woman with that same power, that same strength, that same world-changing capability.
And your responsibility is to find that women and to set that woman free.
This is who you are.
I am a daughter of the living God--cherished, loved and adored above all things by the Creator of all things for the glory of Him who is greater than all things."

These are just some excerpts from this video. :) It has such an amazing and important message for women to hear and hopefully take to heart. It made me incredibly emotional when I first heard it and I had to pass it along to all of my girlfriends. 
I got an overwhelming response from all of them saying that it was perfectly timed and they needed it at that particular moment. 
How amazing is God at giving us what we need before we even know we need it? 
(my greatest example of this is my own salvation... I had no idea how dark and broken I was until I saw Christ's light and healing power! And on a side note, I will absolutely go further into this story at a later date because it is the best story I have to tell :)) 

(p.s. I'm blonde again! Yippee!)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cold Hands Warm Heart

Words can't explain much I'm loving this chilly weather. It makes life feel so cozy... I swear I feel more alive when it's cold out. Does that make any sense? Probably not. :) Hopefully the future me reading this will understand.

The chill seems to bring a fresh start along with so many new memories to be made during the holidays.  
I now am going to list all of the lovely things about autumn. 
-Crisp air and warm sunshine... ideal sweater weather
-The color scheme (blue skies, grey clouds, yellow and orange leaves, etc.)
-Balloons dotting the sky
-Cuddling up with blankets on lazy mornings (quality over quantity here)
-Daily cups (yes, plural) of tea and hot chocolate
-Stepping on crunchy leaves everywhere you go
-Pumpkin patches and corn mazes
-Haunted houses and halloween... if you're into that sort of thing
-Pumpkin spice flavored EVERYTHING

I'm 99.9% sure I could go on for hours and hours about how much I love autumn and why but I think I covered the basics. 

On a closing note: Everyday I'm blown away by the way God is working in me and through me. I'm off to do homework now. How wonderful is learning? Everyday makes me more and more grateful to God for placing me be in such an amazing nursing program and future career. He's given me a career in which it is so easy to show His love to His people in a completely tangible way... 
For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' "Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You drink? 'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 'And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' "And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'
Matthew 25:35-40 
Isn't that just the best inspiration to care for others? How above and beyond would you go to care for Jesus? You can do that to each and every person and just imagine the smile it puts on His face. Having a relationship with Jesus is seriously the bee's knees. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

As of lately.. :)

Wowzaaa I am not a good blogger. I am so sorry, my honeycombs. I just haven't had the inspiration that I hope for lately! All I do lately is school, school, and more school related things. No complaints here, though :). I sure do love nursing school and all that is involved in it. I was talking to a friend yesterday about how close we are to graduating and that it's kind of a scary time! As soon as he brought up the subject I went on and on about how much I was going to miss school, yada, yada, yada... And he basically said I was crazy. Oh well! I love academia, what can I say? Also, God is doing such crazy/cool things with my future lately! I have no set plan, yet but options I hadn't thought of before have been arising and I am praying without ceasing about it all and I have all the trust in the world that He will lead me to the PERFECT place and situation :). Anyway, I found this cute questionnaire on The Happy Goose and felt as though I must fill it out. So here we go! Oh and here's some cute pictures from my insta-fun insta-life lately :) 

Making : good grades! And care plans :) 
Cooking : quinoa... always! 
Drinking : coffee with my creamer.
Eating: trail mixxx
Reading: textbooks and fanfictions. *insert ashamed face here*
Wanting: to get an internship on the oncology unit! 
Looking at: my ever-so-loved planner 
Playing: Parachute <3 
Wasting: lots of time :D 
Sewing: nothing... i don't know how :(
Wishing: there were more hours in everyday.. 
Enjoying: God's crazy way of changing my plans 
Waiting: to hear final news about the nurse internship!
Liking: my new unicorn sweatshirt.
Wondering: what will happen in may/june :)
Loving: my sweet, Jesus-loving friends
Hoping: i get to travel lots and lots next year!
Marveling: over God's constant kindness and the amazing nurses at the clinic i'm doing a rotation at right now
Needing: something sweet.
Smelling: some kind of scentsy wax!
Wearing: comfy sweats <3
Following: Jesus... always :D
Noticing: lots of love in the air
Knowing: there are limitless opportunities in my future...
Thinking: i need to stop being such a fickle pickle
Feeling: lots of love and loneliness. (weird, huh?)
Bookmarking: blogs! and cutesy clothes
Opening: my mind to a million possibilities
Giggling: at my own singing in the car :D

(oh yeah, I dyed my hair brown! Fun for fall, right? :))