Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time is flyin'...

I cannot believe how fast this summer semester is going by (not to mention the program in general). It is absolutely incredible. 
I have found the most treasured and fun group of girlfriends since starting the nursing program and they continue to amaze me with their Godliness and sweetness each and everyday. 

I can absolutely not say enough good things about them.

The summer semester (level 2 for me) is about half way over already and I start back at clinicals in the hospital on Tuesday! Ah! As fast as I feel the first half went by, I just know that the second half will go by even faster and that is leading me to start thinking/planning what will come after I graduate. It may seem crazy but there are only 304 days until I am done, done, done with school! The possibilities seem endless but...
As of now, I have no idea what I'm going to do and God has really been showing me how much I try to rely on my own reasoning and feelings and how wrong that is. 

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways    and my thoughts than your thoughts.(Isaiah 55:9)

^I am meditating on this absolute truth^ and praying that He will help me see His perfect guidance and that he will enable me follow it with complete faith. 


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Get over your hill and see what you find there...

I am currently obsessed with Mumford and Sons' "After the Storm"... I saw this picture on Pinterest a few months back and really took it to heart... 
The greatest part of this post though is that I can actually see/sense some amazing things coming on the horizon... fingers crossed that they aren't a mirage. ;)


Best advice I've recieved via iMessage in my lifetime, thus far: "Girl, you better get on it and figure that coffee machine out. It is your duty as a Christian woman."
-B on 6/16/13 at 6:43AM 


Monday, June 17, 2013


All I knew about the title of this blog is that it should be inspired by one of my favorite guiding Bible verses: Proverbs 16:24

I am a lover of words... I love that the same idea can be said in an infinite number of ways and that some words can have an infinite amount of meanings. But words are only one section of my life's honeycomb... 

This blog is meant to record the little honeycomb cells of my life including but not limited to (<--this is the best disclosure in my opinion, FYI)
1. inspiring quotes and images (thank Heavens for pinterest inspiration, right?)
2. little positives (why be negative when there are a million and one more things to be happy about?)
3. sweet and silly things said by people in my life (everyone from grandma Jack to my nursing school classmates)
4. moments of pure bliss or even just plain old (wonderful) life
and of course
5. lessons from God because He is so good, kind and gracious in teaching me... always.

This is already so fun and I haven't even really started yet... It's like a personal diary made public--which naturally makes me think more positively about everything in my life. It also makes me want to do more things worth sharing. 


Friday, June 14, 2013

What's the point?

I'm 100% sure that no one is reading this and that makes me want to do it even more. I've wanted to write a blog for a long time now but my question has always been what's the point? So I thought very hard about it and came up with some points.

1. There are some things that no one cares to see on Facebook and most of the time they are too long to share on twitter... so I will write them here in my own little honeycomb hideaway.
2. What better way to put everything together... inspiring words and photos, wonderful memories, and anything else that makes me happy can come together perfectly here.
3. This could potentially always be around and when I look back in 10 years, hopefully having a big wonderful family, I can laugh at the silly things I found important enough to be posted on the internet.
4. I want to see overtime what little things turn me into the best me I can bee... (get it? because honey is in the title??)
5. Why not just a regular journal? Because this just seems like way more fun.

So, hopefully this works out and I stay on top of posting, just for the sake of making my future self smile.
