Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time is flyin'...

I cannot believe how fast this summer semester is going by (not to mention the program in general). It is absolutely incredible. 
I have found the most treasured and fun group of girlfriends since starting the nursing program and they continue to amaze me with their Godliness and sweetness each and everyday. 

I can absolutely not say enough good things about them.

The summer semester (level 2 for me) is about half way over already and I start back at clinicals in the hospital on Tuesday! Ah! As fast as I feel the first half went by, I just know that the second half will go by even faster and that is leading me to start thinking/planning what will come after I graduate. It may seem crazy but there are only 304 days until I am done, done, done with school! The possibilities seem endless but...
As of now, I have no idea what I'm going to do and God has really been showing me how much I try to rely on my own reasoning and feelings and how wrong that is. 

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways    and my thoughts than your thoughts.(Isaiah 55:9)

^I am meditating on this absolute truth^ and praying that He will help me see His perfect guidance and that he will enable me follow it with complete faith. 


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