Thursday, July 18, 2013

Travelling dreams and other things...

(in my head it rhymed :P)

So... I'm sick... Again. I don't know what the deal is with my immune system this summer but it is not doing it's job correctly. So, because I feel that sickness is an excuse to be unproductive, I have been daydreaming up a storm the last few days. I've never felt more confused about where I want to go after graduation before so for now, I'm just dreaming of going nearly everywhere.

In my perfect plan, I would go on a train all through Europe and see every dreamy village that has ever existed. But, since it's a long shot, especially for now, I go on a mental trainride by looking at these pictures (in no particular order :) )

Isle of Crete, Greece
Cinque Tierre, Italy
Venice, Italy
Lake Lucern, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Innsbruck, Austria
Salzburg, Austria
Bonifacio, Corsica, France
(and of course..)
Paris, France <3
 Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland
Wicklow National Park, Ireland
and to wrap this post up...
London, England (specifically Neal's Yard or Covent Garden)

And that's just scratching the surface. Naturally, I would like to stop in at every little cafe in each every tiny town. I wish I could spend my whole life just wandering around Europe... but then again that might take all of the fun out of it. Hmm... Well, *someday*. I honestly wouldn't mind going by myself... which might just be what happens; #foreveralone or as my friend likes to correct me #forevertoopicky.

In other news: I chose my fate for next semesters clinical intensives today. I will be working in Oncology for the first seven weeks and Adult Psych for the second seven weeks. It couldn't have worked out more perfectly! God is so good. 
Also, I read an amazing quote today: 
"If I could give you information of my life, it would be to show how a woman of very ordinary ability has been led by God in strange and unaccustomed paths to do in His service what He has done in her."
-Florence Nightingale, 1860

And with that I am done... for now ;) 


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The (not-so) Shortlist

Whenever I express any concern over my future everyone seems to jump right to the "you will be able to find a job ANYWHERE with your degree!" And while I realize this isn't a serious problem, it still leaves me feeling very uneasy. Lately, I feel my heart and feetsies being pulled in a million different directions and I'm trying to tell myself, "let them be pulled"... All I need is to set a plan and then let The Lord take me where He wants me, regardless of if it's where I planned or not. But, I honestly feel that a plan is necessary, I need to be a go-getter!

That all being said, these are the specific places and options I've been thinking (and dreaming) about:
(Starting closest to "home")
1. Nursing Residency at UNMH or start-up RN job at another hospital in Albuquerque- practical, but I'm terrified of getting stuck here
2. Phoenix- close to some family... but still a desert.
3. Utah- interesting tug on my heart to go here, I'm not entirely sure what to make of it (honestly; it could just be the amazing love stories that seem to happen there)
4. Minneapolis- random, I know.
5. NYC- what an experience that would be...
6.  Hawaii- my brother is planning to relocate here in the near future, and it could be an amazing adventure and leap to independence but it would make the traveling I long to do more difficult than if I were to stay on the continent
7. MISSION WORK- my main thought on this is "if not now, when?" but I know I can't allow my impatience to lead something as monumental as this

and then there's all of the Southern areas that seem so dreamy but I can't imagine going to in any of them without a real reason for it.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell but seriously!

Thank heavens for God's grace and patience-- I just pray that He is glorified through my hot-mess of a life.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

The secret to having is all is loving it all

God is so good and has been so gracious and kind to me with all that He's given me lately. And not that it's surprising but even the tough things have already been proven to be blessing. 

I'm trying really hard to look at everything with ^this^ in mind. But it's been tough to maintain a positive outlook without being fake-ly happy about things--especially in prayer. Prayers need to be honest; God already knows your heart but it's important for you to acknowledge your honest feelings so you are more able to see Him working on them. So, this is what I've been thinking about and the best "treatment" for me has been to start off with all of the good things I'm thankful for and then move on to the areas in which I'm struggling. This has helped enabled me to praise God for all things (good and bad) 

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

Psalm 42:5

see why this is the perfect verse for these thoughts?: honest and full of praise. 

What I'm working on: humility
