Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The (not-so) Shortlist

Whenever I express any concern over my future everyone seems to jump right to the "you will be able to find a job ANYWHERE with your degree!" And while I realize this isn't a serious problem, it still leaves me feeling very uneasy. Lately, I feel my heart and feetsies being pulled in a million different directions and I'm trying to tell myself, "let them be pulled"... All I need is to set a plan and then let The Lord take me where He wants me, regardless of if it's where I planned or not. But, I honestly feel that a plan is necessary, I need to be a go-getter!

That all being said, these are the specific places and options I've been thinking (and dreaming) about:
(Starting closest to "home")
1. Nursing Residency at UNMH or start-up RN job at another hospital in Albuquerque- practical, but I'm terrified of getting stuck here
2. Phoenix- close to some family... but still a desert.
3. Utah- interesting tug on my heart to go here, I'm not entirely sure what to make of it (honestly; it could just be the amazing love stories that seem to happen there)
4. Minneapolis- random, I know.
5. NYC- what an experience that would be...
6.  Hawaii- my brother is planning to relocate here in the near future, and it could be an amazing adventure and leap to independence but it would make the traveling I long to do more difficult than if I were to stay on the continent
7. MISSION WORK- my main thought on this is "if not now, when?" but I know I can't allow my impatience to lead something as monumental as this

and then there's all of the Southern areas that seem so dreamy but I can't imagine going to in any of them without a real reason for it.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell but seriously!

Thank heavens for God's grace and patience-- I just pray that He is glorified through my hot-mess of a life.


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