Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The state of the union..

Okay, let me start this post off by apologizing for being the world's worst blogger. The last six months of my life have been an absolute whirlwind and I'm sad that I didn't document my crazy thoughts throughout it all! So rather than rehashing everything that's happened, let me just bring you all up to date on the current 'the state of the union':

-I have graduated nursing school with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing (yay!)
-I'm now working on the unit I did an internship on last semester, adult oncology (double yay!)
-I moved in to a BEAUTIFUL townhouse with my two best friends (triple yay!)
-I'm waiting to take the NCLEX next week (singular eek!)

aaaand... that's about all of the major things I can think of right now.

Also, here's some (p)inspiration ;)
(how fun are daytime fireworks, by the way??)

That's all for now folks... But I pinky promise to be better about blogging from now on. :)